Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What a Promise!

The other day it had rained, and Grace saw a rainbow in the sky. she started asking questions about it. Landon and I talked to her about how it was a promise that God would never flood the earth again. and we reminded her about the story of Noah. I could tell she was thinking, she looked at me and said, where does God live? I told her he lives in heaven. then she asked where is heaven? We told her it was way far passed the rainbow outside. so she ran to the door, flung it open, ran out onto the driveway and yelled... helloooo God!!
we thought it was cute!


  1. That is the most wonderful thing I've ever heard!

  2. How cute that Grace would do that! It is great she has such loving parents to explain things to her about our Lord.

  3. I can't believe I found you on here! This is so exciting! I have had a blog for a little over a year now, but most recently it has been a way for my friends and family in Texas to keep up with the Lockwoods. Come on over and check it out.

    This just made my have a BLOG! Yay!

    Love ya,
    Coach (I will always be your "Coach"!)
