Friday, June 12, 2009

Question of the day

Should i cut all my hair off....well not all

should i cut a short sassy bob, or keep it long ??? please give me your thoughts!!!


ok...well, i think i will leave it long, maybe just put some layers just chicken i guess.


  1. you'd be gorgeous either way, but I do love your long hair. it's just so pretty! I'm always trying to figure out if I should cut mine for ease and dye it dark blonde/light brown to not have to pay for highlights. UGH.

  2. Well you'll never know if you like it till you try...Now if I could have your hair, I would take it...but that is not to say it wouldn't look cute short...not much help, but as a mom of two, you might want it easier, and shorter might make it less time consuming.
