Tuesday, May 19, 2009

day 2 verses 9-16

ok, so remember the stomach virus i thought grace had? well there has been a new development in the case. wed and thurs of last week Clayton ran a high fever and that was it. he got over it, and we were never really sure why he had such a high fever and then it was gone. fast forward a few day to Sunday. grace starts running a high fever and not feeling well too. well, yesterday after nap time i was playing with and tickling Clayton in the floor, i noticed these red bumps on the bottom of his feet and thought to myself, "oh my, how did you get into ants." as i looked closer at them they didn't look like ant bites, they looked like blisters. so i got on the computer and checked it out. sure enough... hand, foot, and mouth!!! grrreaat. i remembered that the little girl that lives next to my in laws had HFM a few weeks ago. do you all remember the little trip to sea world...well, Clayton stayed with my in laws and played with that little girl. that is the only way i can think of that he would have gotten it. so grace hasn't got the blisters yet but, i took them to the doctor and she confirmed. i guess these things just happen. so for the next week or so stay away from the kings house. :(

now on to my quiet time.....

if you read the verses yes a lot of it his about keeping and obeying God's laws but, personally i look at verse 11 and 13 and thought about those for a while.

verse 11: i have hidden your word in my heart that i might not sin against you.

verse 13:with my lips i recount all the laws that come from your mouth.

i thought about these two verses and it makes me think about being in bible school and memorizing verses to get a sticker to fill up my sticker book. i would memorize it just long enough to get the sticker, and then Poof...it was gone. forget trying to recount them a day or even a few hours later. i feel like they were never really hidden in my heart. even now when i am at a crossroads i will look to scripture, and then as soon as I'm through my hard time..Poof.
so i have made that my prayer for today. i am going really try and hide God's words in my heart.


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