Saturday, May 9, 2009

sea world

ok, i have to say the best job in the world has to be training dolphins and whales at sea world!! i would love to go back and do it. i just can not get over it. obviously we took grace to sea world this past weekend and had a blast. she got to ride her very first roller coaster and got to see a few great little kids shows with sea lions and things,(soo cute) and also the wonderful shamu show. i really almost started to cry, it was so cool to see this bond these trainers have built up with these ginormous killer whales. i have a good friend (Jill) that went to summer camp at sea world every summer when she was younger, and i just have to say.....JILL, why did you not become a marine biologist or a trainer at sea world??!! you missed out. sooo, if you have never taken you kids to see world, do it. we had a whale of a time.

i will post our trips pictures later- we didn't get a new camera in time, but my beautiful and single sister let us take hers. i will post a picture of her too.



1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, way to throw in a plug for your sister!

    I hope ya'll had a great time! I've never been to sea world! Can't wait to see pics!
